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When you hear the phrase, “immersive commerce”, what do you think of?  It’s a little nebulous, but most shoppers have experienced some sort of VR or AR while browsing online.  That word itself, though – “immersive” – has kind of lost its meaning.  


According to my dictionary, “immersive” means something that occupies most of one’s attention, or involves deep absorption.  What does that feel like?  Does it require a pricey headset?  What is it that makes your customer feel truly wrapped up inside your brand? 

Immersive commerce isn’t simply limited to 3D-rendered handbags or the “View in Your Space” option.  Why deny your followers the opportunity to not just imitate the in-store experience, but to cultivate a dream world that knows no limitations? 

Immersion requires your customers’ full and complete attention.  Isn’t that what we’re all looking for?  Like you’re all they notice in a crowded room, or an oversaturated retail landscape.  Spoil them, treat them to personalized experiences that leave them breathless. 

Imagine discovering that your mood board had a power button this whole time.  If you could Turn On What’s Next, what is the image in your head?  Capturing your brand identity is more than can be fit into a jpg.  Lucky for you, the only limitation in immersive commerce is your imagination.   

All Eyes On Me

I read an article recently where a gentleman was thrilled about the online platform his brand had launched, particularly that its impetus was to recreate the in-store experience.  As we’ve discussed many times, innovation is about risks, about having a vision beyond what we already know to be true. 

A mirror is a lovely thing, but there’s a missed opportunity in simply reflecting back reality, with all its … well, real-ness: Step THROUGH the looking glass, and what awaits you and your customers is, quite literally, the stuff dreams are made of. 

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